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SGS-Tools - Полный каталог инструмента - 2013 EN

                                                                         для размещения заказа - sgs@sgs-tool.ru

Speed & Feed Recommendations

          55M                    HARDNESS   CUT           SPEED                                                   FEED (mm/flute)
         Metric                   BRINELL
                                            Type          m/min        6               8                          10 12              16         20

                                            Slot           107     0.0192           0.032                         0.040  0.048     0.064      0.064
                                           Profile         133     0.0192           0.032                                          0.064      0.064
 C ARBON STEEL                  175    Light           219     0.0432           0.073                         0.040  0.048     0.147      0.147
     1018, 1040, 1080, 1090,                Slot           93      0.0192           0.032                                          0.064      0.064
     10L50, 1140, 1212, 12L15,    > 175    Profile         116     0.0192           0.032                         0.091  0.110     0.064      0.064
     1525, 1536                    275    Light           192     0.0432           0.073                                          0.147      0.147
                                            Slot           78      0.0144           0.023                         0.040  0.048     0.048      0.048
                                           Profile         98      0.0144           0.023                                          0.048      0.048
                                           Light           162     0.0336           0.055                         0.040  0.048     0.109      0.109
                                            Slot           53      0.0144           0.023                                          0.048      0.048
                                           Profile         67      0.0144           0.023                         0.091  0.110     0.048      0.048
                                           Light           110     0.0336           0.055                                          0.109      0.109
                                            Slot           70      0.0144           0.023                         0.029  0.036     0.045      0.045
                                           Profile         87      0.0144           0.023                                          0.045      0.045
 A LLOY STEEL                   275    Light           143     0.0312           0.051                         0.029  0.036     0.102      0.104
     4140, 4150, 4320, 5120,               Slot           43      0.0096           0.017                                          0.035      0.035
     5150, 8630, 86L20, 50100     > 275    Profile         53      0.0096           0.017                         0.069  0.082     0.035      0.035
                                   375    Light           88      0.0240           0.041                                          0.080      0.080
                                            Slot           104     0.0192           0.032                         0.029  0.036     0.064      0.064
                                           Profile         131     0.0192           0.032                                          0.064      0.064
                                           Light           215     0.0432           0.073                         0.029  0.036     0.147      0.147
                                            Slot           78      0.0192           0.032                                          0.064      0.064
                                           Profile         98      0.0192           0.032                         0.069  0.082     0.064      0.064
                                           Light           160     0.0432           0.073                                          0.147      0.147
                                            Slot           82      0.0144           0.023                         0.029  0.034     0.048      0.048
                                           Profile         104     0.0144           0.023                                          0.048      0.048
 T OOL STEEL                    250    Light           171     0.0336           0.055                         0.029  0.034     0.109      0.109
     A2, D2, H13, L2, M2,                   Slot           56      0.0120           0.019                                          0.038      0.037
     P20, S7, T15, W2             > 250    Profile         72      0.0120           0.019                         0.064  0.077     0.038      0.037
                                   375    Light           117     0.0026           0.045                                          0.090      0.088
                                            Slot           52      0.0120           0.019                         0.021  0.026     0.038      0.037
                                           Profile         66      0.0120           0.019                                          0.038      0.037
                                           Light           108     0.0026           0.045                         0.021  0.026     0.090      0.088
                                            Slot           58      0.0144           0.023                                          0.045      0.045
                                           Profile         72      0.0144           0.023                         0.051  0.060     0.045      0.045
                                           Light           119     0.0312           0.051                                          0.102      0.104
                                            Slot           16      0.0120           0.019                         0.040  0.048     0.038      0.037
                                           Profile         20      0.0120           0.019                                          0.038      0.037
                                   220    Light           33      0.0026           0.045                         0.040  0.048     0.090      0.088
                                  > 220
 CAST IRON                      260                                                                           0.091  0.110
     Gray, Malleable, Ductile      275
                                                                                                                  0.040  0.048
 S TAINLESS (free machining)    275
     303, 416, 420F, 430F, 440F                                                                                   0.040  0.048
 S TAINLESS (difficult)                                                                                        0.091  0.110
     304, 304L, 316, 316L          350
                                                                                                                  0.029  0.036
 S TAINLESS (PH)                300
     17-4PH, 15-5PH, Custom                                                                                       0.029  0.036
     450, 16-6PH, PH13-8Mo
                                                                                                                  0.069  0.082
     Ti5Al-5V-5Mo,                                                                                                0.024  0.029
     Ti6Al4V, Ti-7Al4Mo
                                                                                                                  0.024  0.029
     A-286, Hastelloy, Incoloy,                                                                                   0.056  0.067
     Inconel, Rene, Waspalloy
                                                                                                                  0.024  0.029

                                                                                                                  0.024  0.029

                                                                                                                 0.056  0.067

                                                                                                                  0.029  0.034

                                                                                                                  0.029  0.034

                                                                                                                  0.064  0.077

                                                                                                                  0.024  0.029

                                                                                                                  0.024  0.029

                                                                                                                  0.056  0.067

         SLOT                             CUT TYPE                 LIGHT*                  rpm = (1000 x m/min) / (3.14 x D1)
                                         PROFILE                                           mm/min = (mm/flute) x 5 x rpm

Short    Regular           Short           Regular        Short, Regular Long              • maximum recommended depths shown
                                                                                           • reduce speed and feed for materials harder than listed
Rw = D1  Rw = D1           Rw = .5 x D1 Rw = .3 x D1      Rw = .05 x D1 Rw = .02 x D1      • long flute tools not recommended for Slot or Profile
Ad = .6 x D1 Ad = .5 x D1  Ad = L2         Ad = 1.5 x D1  Ad = L2  Ad = 3 x D1             * finish cuts typically require reduced feed and cutting

                                                                                             depths of .02 x D1 maximum
                                                                                           •refer to the SGS Tool Wizard for more complete

                                                                                             technical information
                                                                                             (available at )

66                                                                 sgs@sgs-tool.ru                                                 END MILLS
                              END MILLS