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SGS-Tools - Полный каталог инструмента - 2013 EN
для размещения заказа - sgs@sgs-tool.ru
Coating Titanium Nitride Aluminum Titanium Nitride Titanium DiBoride
Identifying Color (TiN) (AlTiN) (TiB2)
Layer Structure gold
Thickness violet-grey light grey-silver
Hardness (HV) monolayer
Coefficient of Friction nano structure monolayer
(Fetting) 1–4 microns
1–4 microns 1–2 microns
3300 4000
0.4–0.65 0.45 0.45
Thermal Stability 600°C / 1112°F 800°C / 1472°F 850°C / 1562°F
General Information
A general purpose Excellent thermal and This coating offers a
coating with good chemical resistance very smooth surface
adhesion and abrasion and a low affinity to
resistant properties. allows for dry cutting cold welding or built
Suitable for a wide and improvements up edge, which makes
variety of materials. in performance of it optimal for Titanium,
carbide. The coating Aluminum (>10%) and
has a high hardness copper applications.
It has high toughness
giving great protection and high hardness.
against abrasive
wear and erosion.